Real Cases


First Visit

Jan 13th,2017, Female, Eczema with sever itchiness blister and  fester in the hand, feet and genital area.

Dr. Yan Zhang Acupuncture by Yan P.C. Garden City, NY, 11530    Dr. Yan Zhang Acupuncture by Yan P.C. Garden City, NY, 11530


  • Acupuncture in the local points and in the spleen meridian
  • Herbal medicine for draining the dampness and toxin
  • Herbal soak for the hand, feet and genital area

Second Visit

Jan 17th, 2017, the blisters and fester were gone.  She felt much better than before, but there was still a little itchy in these area.


  • Acupuncture in the local points and in the spleen meridian
  • Herbal medicine for draining the dampness and toxin, promoting the blood circulation
  • Herbal soak for the hand, feet and genital area

Dr. Yan Zhang Acupuncture by Yan P.C. Garden City, NY, 11530Dr. Yan Zhang Acupuncture by Yan P.C. Garden City, NY, 11530

Third Visit

Jan 23rd, 2017, The skin was almost normal.  No new eczema appeared, Itchiness is almost gone except genital area.


  • Acupuncture in the  Spleen meridian and Ren Meridian for maintance
  • Herbal medicine for draining the dampness and toxin, promoting the blood circulation and generating the energy
  • Herbal soak for the hand, feet and genital area

Dr. Yan Zhang Acupuncture by Yan P.C. Garden City, NY, 11530Dr. Yan Zhang Acupuncture by Yan P.C. Garden City, NY, 11530